Thursday, January 19, 2012

Felice Fawn Sinks to a New Low... For "Art"

To view the NSFW version, click here.

"In general, this kind of cultural appropriation is really disrespectful and offensive because it trivializes something sacred. But adding sexualization to the mix takes it from disrespectful to downright dangerous because Native American women are sexually victimized at rates far higher than women of every other ethnic group in the United States:
  • Over 1 in 3 Native American women will be raped at least once. They are 2.5 times more likely to be raped than women of any other ethnic group.
  • During those rapes, Native American women are 20% more likely to be battered, injured, or assaulted with a weapon than any other ethnic group. (At least 90% are battered, 50% sustain serious injuries, and 35% are assaulted with a weapon.)
  • 17% of Native women are victims of stalking, compared to the 4.5-8% among other ethnic groups. Native stalking victims are at least 1.5 times more likely to be raped or killed than women of other ethnic groups.
  • Native American women are the only group more likely to be raped by a stranger than by someone they know. (Typically, women are 73% more likely to be raped by someone they know. Native women are raped by strangers 70% of the time.)
  • Native American women are the only ethnic group more likely to be raped by someone of a different race. 86% of rapes perpetrated against Native women are committed by non-Natives (70% being perpetrated by whites).
  • Until a new law was passed a year and a half ago, that meant 86% of rapists were untouchable because tribal authorities had no jurisdiction over non-Native defendants and federal authorities almost always decline to prosecute rapes.
  • Under the new law, though, tribal courts can only impose a maximum sentence of 3 years. The average rape sentence for assaults against women of other ethnic groups is 11.8 years.
There’s an obvious pattern of intense victimization and injustice there, and I think objectification plays a large, steady part in that especially due to our society’s ingrained colonial attitudes. I think anything that furthers those attitudes—even with non-malicious intentions—puts Native American people, especially women, at risk."

--Quoted from this post by delacroix on Tumblr.

Lauren had been talking about wanting to do a topless photoshoot for months. She teamed up with photographer Alexandra Cameron, organized the meeting via Twitter, and set out to a field down the street from her flat on an especially frigid 5 degree morning.

I would like to point out that Lauren did this for free... in the middle of January. As an "artistic nude". Even if one were to somehow disregard the extremely troubling statistics outlined above, as an artist myself, I find nothing redeeming about a freezing, malnourished girl sitting slackjawed and topless in a field, wearing nothing but little-girlish white panties, a Native American headdress (she's British...) and her trademark glazed, vacuous stare. In my opinion, she honestly looks like a kidnapping victim who was just stripped in a remote field and forced to don the headdress just for lulz before being murdered. What was she hoping to accomplish by doing this? It certainly isn't art, in any form. Aside from being yet another derivation of so many Tumblr-ready photoshoots, it is, at best, kitsch. At worst, it is the most insidious kind of objectification... the kind that transcends cultural values by brandishing a stunning lack of awareness. It's almost gleeful ignorance. It fetishizes the very oppression explained above, and furthers the idea that Native American women are somehow less human and thus are highly susceptible to being raped and killed.

I do not think that that was her goal with this shoot (although I'm not sure what her goal was, exactly, aside from "Look at my tits!"), but considering that she has high visibility online, it seems like a very poorly executed decision, especially since the majority of her followers are girls and women who suffer from EDs and want to emulate her. It almost seems like Lauren was so desperate to get naked for the internet under the pretense of it being "art" that she didn't really care about how insensitive, distasteful and ridiculous the end result was. This is also coming from the same girl who always said she would never pose topless and did not respect those who do. How quick she is to change her tune when she decides she needs more attention...

For clarification, I am not against women choosing to be photographed nude. I support anyone who makes that choice for themselves, as I think it is so important for human beings to have the choice to do what they wish with their bodies, as long as it doesn't hurt others. I do, however, think that there is a definite line between what qualifies as artistic nude photography and, well, pornography. It is interesting and incredibly sad that someone like Lauren, who claims to be an artist, would stoop to doing something so tasteless and offensive to her fellow women as well as to her own dwindling image, just to get validation from strangers on the internet.

(view efagz threads on this topic here and here)


  1. Well said.

    She also posted a video of her doing her make up. She didn't bother to explain her process, what kind of make up she used, etc (you know, the thing people ACTUALLY wanted to know). I guess she thought her followers would be happy just staring at her for several minutes while she adds make up to her already done face. She was actually getting more 'dislikes' than 'likes' (I should have screen capped). She disabled the ability to like/dislike the video, of course. Ohhh Lauren.

    1. LOL, that makeup video, where Lauren starts out with a full face already done and doesn't tell anyone what she used or even shows any products. An entry on that is in the works. :)

    2. I noticed that too! She states in her blog post that she ONLY has a tinted moisturiser on prior to starting the vid!!! LOL ALRIGHTY THEN!!!

  2. I don't think her or the photographer had a clue when they put that on her head that it meant anything negative. I think they just wanted a "natural" and "innocent" looking photo.

    1. If sexualizing an already oppressed culture with sub-par nude modeling can be considered 'innocent', then I'd really hate to think of what might be considered harmful.

    2. I didn't say that what they wanted is what they got. I just think neither of them had a clue what they were actually DOING.

    3. Ah, fair enough. It does seem that way!

  3. i was shocked when i saw those pictures being reblogged on tumblr. why would she do this, esp in the freezing cold?? it makes no sense to me. she must really hate herself.

  4. when you visit your blog you have to click to accept to view 'adult content'. i feel as if this is felice trying to censor you/add an extra step between the viewer and the truth. is there a way you could amend this?

    1. Oh, Lauren has nothing at all to do with the adult content warning, although I really appreciate the concern! I added that because of the nudity in this entry, although I am considering just linking to the photo instead because I don't really like having that extra filter, either.

    2. oh! sorry for the element of paranoia here, i just know how much she'd love for this blog to be taken down. you could always put a blurr panel over the nipples & then link through to the full image...? sorry to criticise your decision, it's good of you to consider warning people!

    3. No worries! Like I said, I really do appreciate the concern. I can see how getting prompted with the adult content warning out of nowhere could be a bit alarming. I ended up just linking to the image and taking the warning down. Thought about it more and decided it's not really necessary, and having that extra step is annoying and kind of a turn-off to new readers.

      Haha. Believe me, I know how much she would love for this blog to be taken down, too. Unfortunately for her, THAT AIN'T NEVA GONNA HAPPEN!

  5. Amazing post. Well put. Those photos really bothered me as well and I couldn't place why, so thank you for putting what I was thinking into words.

  6. it reaLly saddens me when people are more preocupied of just some people on the internet other then thinking of making a blog about something more fascinating then human hatred.

    1. And yet, here you are, posting a comment. ;)

      To respond to your statement of "when people are more preocupied of just some people on the internet" (flawless grammar, BTW), I originally started this blog in light of the Deumos scam. It was all over Tumblr, people were reacting strongly in both directions, and I felt there needed to be an easily accessible place where all of the info relevant to the scam was clearly laid out and organized, and where those she scammed could have a voice outside of Tumblr censorship and the preferential treatment the staff gave her in deleting any posts that questioned what she did. I also started this blog when I noticed that Lauren lies about virtually everything. The lie that initially set me off was when she tried to say that she was naturally thin. That's why the very first entry has old pictures of her at her natural weight. I (and many, many others) find the fact that she lies to her fans to be quite dangerous, especially since so many of her fans blindly accept what she says as gospel (see what I did there?) when she is probably one of the worst and least healthy role models in existence. And yes, she might say that she's not here to be a role model, but the sad truth is, that is one of the reasons she's so well-known. A LOT of young girls and women with ED-related issues look up to her and see her as some kind of thinspo goddess. That's where her "fame" originates and is simply fact. You claim she is "just some person on the internet" but the truth is, Lauren has been trying to be "somebody" on the internet for quite some time now, and when someone who is trying to get e-fame is dishonest about themselves and negatively affects others on such a grand scale, they're going to get scrutinized.

      Also, everything posted on this blog is taken from what Lauren herself chooses to put onto the internet. Yes, it is occasionally followed by personal opinion (as in this entry) but really, this blog exists to document her criminal activities, lies, and general fuckery. If you've ever taken the time to pry your lips from her anus, you'll notice that Lauren produces a pretty constant stream of hypocrisy, dishonesty, and overall (really amusing) fail. If you don't like Lauren's actions being documented and analyzed from a non-fan perspective, unless you ARE Lauren, maybe you ought to question why that bothers you in the first place. Oh, and perhaps you also should question what prompts you to passively comment on a blog that centers around that when you could just as easily join the blindly loyal multitudes of impressionable teens posting about how "perfect" she is on Tumblr while ignoring the overwhelming amount of evidence proving otherwise.

  7. Those pictures made me sick. I am Native American and I just want to say GO FUCK YOURSELF, FELICE.

  8. I love you for this!!

  9. I think that linking this photo to rape statistics is a desperate attempt on your part to give this girl a bad name.

    It's a beautiful naked picture styled with a headress for aesthetics. If symbolic of anything it is of a woman's vunerability and fragility juxtaposed with hegemonic masculinity.

    - I doubt you have ever done anything to support a native american woman in crisis!

    This blog of yours shows you really want the girl, Felice Fawn's attention and deep down inside you just want to fuck her.

    1. if we wanted to fuck her we'd do an andy suhm and sit there on her stickam page day in day out for 3 years... and then pay for a nice hotel room. it's (she's?) pretty easy really.

    2. Are you really serious with this comment?

      Fuck's sake.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER FANS?

    3. I think this is one of the best messages I've gotten on this site. Thanks for the lulz, "Lynn"!

      I don' t actually have to even try to give her a bad name. She's done that quite well on her own.

      Oh… christ, no, I don't want to fuck her. It sure sounds like you do, though. Maybe you should go buy her something off of her Amazon wishlist to improve your chances. White-knighting alone will only get you so far. :/

  10. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE POST ABOUT HER STUPID MAKEUP VIDEO HAHA!!! The comments on the video are hilarious

  11. Do you think now she's an agency signed model at profile model management, they give a fuck about her illness and drug/alcohol use and general scammi(scummi)-ness? HUM

